The beauty surrounding Alaska Backcountry Cottages is unparalleled! While driving along the Old Glenn Highway youβll want to stop every mile to snap a picture!
A short distance down the Old Glenn Highway, at mile 8, you’ll see the Knik River Bridge. The bridge was built Sept. 4, 1936 to link Anchorage to Palmer and the Mat Su Valley.
The Knik River is sourced by glacial ice fields which includes the mighty Knik Glacier, one of the largest glaciers in southcentral Alaska.
Pioneer Peak Access view, The Knik River Public use area is 200,000 acres of state owned lands, and another 60,000 acres of Federally owned lands to preserve and enhance the enjoyment of fish and wildlife, and traditional outdoor recreational opportunities.
Pioneer Ridge Trailhead – The starting point of a lightly trafficked 13.6 mile trek out and back at the base of Pioneer Peak.
Located at mile 9.6 Knik River Rd is Hunter Creek, Historically the site of the Anchorage Mining District. Knik River Rd. is accessed at the Knick River bridge, mile 8 of the Old Glenn Hwy.
A stunning view from Knik River Rd – The Knik Glacier is an ice field located 50 miles east of Anchorage, Alaska on the northern end of the Chugach Mountains.
Alaska Backcountry Cottages is in the beautiful backyard of the Chugach Mountains with stunning views! I am so thankful to be a part of AKBCC where we can share the beauty of Alaska with visitors from all over the world!